General Condition
To enroll in one of the courses of the IDIOMA School, students must pay the enrollment fee of € 50.00 plus the amount equivalent to 50% of the total cost of the course.
The School will confirm the enrollment only after receiving the credit of the aforementioned advance.
The payment of the balance, to complete the total cost of the course, must be made within 40 days before the start of the course.
Payments must be made by cash at school or bank transfer to the current account:
Codice IBAN: IT 94 H01030 03243 000000422241
Numero di conto corrente: 422241
Intestazione: Scuola Idioma di Samanta Patarini
Swift/Bic: PASCITM1R43
Nome della banca: Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena S.p.a.
Filiale: Roma Agenzia 43
Indirizzo della banca: Via Annia Regilla, 97 00178 Roma (RM)
The student can send, by registered letter with return receipt or certified e-mail, an application to cancel his / her registration for the course.
Exclusively in the event that the cancellation request is received by the school within 40 days of the start of the courses, and except as provided in the following point “VISAS, DOCUMENTS and CERTIFICATES” and provided that the cancellation is not connected to the failure to grant of the visa and / or any problems related to the procedures concerning obtaining the Visa or other documents, the school will reimburse the student for the costs already incurred, with the exclusion of the registration fee of € 50.00 which will be valid for 12 months at from the date of registration.
No refund is provided for cancellations communicated less than 40 days from the course start date, or in case of partial or incomplete attendance.
Students who need a student visa or other documents must independently contact the competent authorities for information.
Any preliminary information regarding the granting of visas, documents and certificates is the sole responsibility of the student.
The school is not responsible for administrative and non-administrative procedures concerning obtaining a visa or other documents, and undertakes only, upon the student’s prompt written request, to provide the necessary documents to be brought to the reference authorities.
In the case of non-granting of the Visa or other, the School undertakes to carry out the Italian course in other ways, to be agreed with the student, and in any case no refund, except for the enrollment fee within the limits set out in the previous point “CANCELLATION AND REFUNDS “, it is foreseen for the student who, for these reasons, decides to cancel his registration to the course.
Scuola Idioma organizes preparation courses for the CILS, CELI and PLIDA exams, in ways to be agreed based on the language level.
We are a Certification Center for exam CELI.
The cancellation of the booking of an individual lesson must be made at least 24 hours before the lesson itself; otherwise the cancellation will be considered null and the lesson will be counted.
Pursuant to art. 13 of Legislative Decree 196/2003 and pursuant to EU regulation 2016/679 (gdpr), we inform you that the sending of your personal data and / or the request for information and / or the request for registration or inclusion in the newsletter will entail the process of your personal data, which the Idioma School keeps in full respect of its rights, his fundamental freedoms and in accordance with the security measures provided for by law.
Your personal data will be processed with the sole exclusive purpose of offering and carrying out Italian courses and periodically sending you information and promotions made by the Idioma School. In order to process your request for information / enrollment in courses or subscription to the newsletter, it is mandatory to give consent for the process of your personal data. The data will be processed both electronically and on paper and will be stored at the Idioma School.
You can at any time exercise your rights as owner of the data, in accordance with the Art. 7 of Legislative Decree 196/2003, i.e. it may request confirmation of the existence or not of personal data relating to it, even if not yet registered, and the communication of said data in an intelligible form. You have the possibility to request updates, corrections and removal of your personal data, in part or in whole.